GDPR and our privacy policy
You may have heard of GDPR, short for General Data Protection Regulation. Changes have come this month (May 18) to which all businesses need to comply with.
This chunky piece of legislation is mainly aimed at big businesses. You know the ones; you buy something online and suddenly find yourself inundated with marketing emails that you didn’t actually sign up for? Maybe there was a tick box asking if you wanted to opt out, but you never saw it?
Well, the good news is that here at Norfolk Coastal Holidays, when you book buy accutane news online a holiday, you’ll never receive a load of unwanted emails after the event. We’ve updated our privacy policy here just to make it clear how we use your data when you contact us. We’ve written it in as plain english as we could. Hopefully it’s all easy to understand but if not contact us with any questions.
Those of you that are reading this via an email you’ve received from us, is because you chose to sign up to our mailing list to receive an occasional newsletter from us. As you can see it’s not very often, although I hope to get one out a bit more frequently in the future! However, if at any time you want to unsubscribe, then you’ll always find the unsubscribe button at the bottom of every email that is sent.
Now hopefully my next blog will be slightly more interesting and actually about the goings on in Norfolk. 😉